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You're viewing content for deferred members of BOCPS

(This means you are no longer building up pension in the Scheme)


Will you hit your target?

Let’s help you paint a picture of your lifestyle in retirement, and how much retirement income you might need to achieve it.

You'll also need to look at your total income and compare that against your outgoings. Will you have the same outgoings when you retire? Will you still be able to afford them? Do you know how far your retirement income will stretch?

In other words, what will your lifestyle look like when you retire?

Carry on reading to learn more, or:

So, what does Hitting your Target mean to you?

Every year, we send you a statement outlining what your BOCPS pension is worth, as well as an estimate of what it could be at your Normal Retirement Age.

But it's not always easy to imagine the lifestyle that estimate could actually provide you with.

Let's help you paint a clearer picture...

The Retirement Living Standards

Recent research by the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) shows that over three-quarters of savers have no idea how much income they'll need when they retire.

So, the PLSA has developed a set of Retirement Living Standards to help you imagine your lifestyle in retirement and how much you might need to achieve this.

There are three Retirement Living Standards:


Covers all your needs, with some left over for fun


Gives you more financial security and flexibility


Gives you more financial freedom and some luxuries

How much will you need to save?

To help you decide, take the Hitting your Target quiz.

Answer a few simple questions about how you picture yourself living in retirement, then the quiz will calculate what your target retirement income will need to be and how much you'll have to save to hit your target.

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